Sheer Joy Avenue: 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


OPEN Minds
Have a Mind that
is Open to Everything
Attached to nothing
Your Mind
Your Life
Mind is Like a Parachute
it only functions
Always keep
an Open mind
a compassionate heart
Above ALL
remember that
the most important thing
you can take
not a Gucci bag
French-cut jeans
it's an
OPEN Mind!

Monday, December 17, 2007

2008 Angel Workshop

Sherab’s 2008 Workshop!
BE practical, Plan for a Miracle!
Let ANGELConnection Workshop
BE with YOU......

Co-creating your Destiny
with the Divine
Date:5th and 6th January 2008
(Saturday and Sunday)
Time: 11am-5pm
Conductor: Sherab
Energy exchange: RM 538
Venue: Angel Caster

F107 and 108, First Floor,Centerpoint.
No 3, Lebuh Bandar Utama,Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Limited seats available!
Please call +603-7729 0068 to reserve!
For details, please visit: or or
See you soon!

What to bring…A notebook/ a pen/ a little special gift to the angels…
and of course ~a light body and an open mind!

Creating a Sacred Self
You and your emotions, intuition, feeling
Creating happiness and well-being in your personal life
How to BE with yourself harmoniously
Your chakra healing and cleansing
Self angelic meditation

You & Nature/ The Universe:
How to develop your appreciation towards nature’s beauty
Getting and absorbing the 4 elements energy from nature
How to develop intuition by using the principle of Synchronicity

Wealth and prosperity
welcoming abundant supplies from the Universe

You & others
Loving and creative relationships
Giving without sacrifice
Creating a spiritual mutual-support community
Angelic intervention on human affairs

You & Divine Guidance:
angels & spiritual guides
Basic knowledge and guidance
Creating direct contact with the Divine forces
Meditation & group exercises

Be an angel –
from outer angel to inner angelic nature

other topics e.g. angel and Reiki, angel and Sacred Place Creation, Angel and Synchronicity, crystal and angelic healing etc will be discussed.
Please bring along your angel card deck
(or any other divination tools) as well,
because we will be discussing about Divination with Angels too!

Sherab’s workshops, seminars and talks
are now managed and scheduled by
“All About Events”
Singapore and Malaysia
(aaevents sdn bhd (793334-H)
Tel: +60 12 330 7893 (MY) / +65 9026 1973 (SG) Fax: +60 3 6201 1664 Email:
Visit: for more details)


Monday, December 03, 2007

As Spiritual BEing - BE Humane!

As Spiritual BEing - BE Humane!

“We are not human beings
having spiritual experiences.
We are spiritual beings
having human experiences."
Ray S. Whiting.

"Beyond wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here,
and whether or not it is clear to you;
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."
Desiderata, Max Ehrman

Look! The Universe IS Smiling at YOU!

Look! The Universe IS Smiling at YOU!

It seems that She is saying....
enjoy the ride
take care of each other
act now
make mistakes, please!
wake up to the gifts
stay on course
face the facts
pay attention

be extraordinary
start anywhere
just show up
don't prepare
say yes !!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sacred Place Creation.... Bringing HOME Your Body and Mind

My New areas of Discovery....
It's BEYOND general Feng Shui.....

so I call it Sacred Slace Creation.

It's an Intuitive and Integral Method of analysing and utilizing the chi(energy) of your environment and your Inner Space. In this method, crystals, Reiki, divination, pendulum, singing bowl (for space clearing) and other metaphysical tools are uniquely blended and practically utilized. Of course, not forgetting the basics and profound wisdom that I gained from Chinese feng shui, Vastu, I-Ching, Bazi and other ancient wisdom traditions.

Let's see what other's views on this....
Ching Wei previously read the feng-shui of my new office for me and told me that sitting in the place that I was seated will cause the following:
1. The Project Manager will not be able to come in as I am sitting in his/her place
2. I will lose money/things by sitting there because of the clashing feng-shui.

True enough, my boss interviewed a few candidates for the Project Manager position and even though willing to hire them, in the end they didn't come in. In the end, my boss took the position off.
The 2nd month I sat in the place, my laptop was robbed. The next month, while on the way to office, a taxi hit my car and the next, I received a police summon of RM20.

He recently helped my Mum on health reasons through his angel cards and told my Mum that she shouldn't go back to Singapore otherwise something bad will happen. My Mum had to go and he told her to come back within one or two weeks time. True enough, my Mum's high blood pressure went up and her blood vessel in her eyes burst. She came back right after that and everything went back to normal!

Wendy Heah, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

BE Blessed

BE Blessed

BE yourself….
BE Creative…
BE abundant…
BE Healthy….
BE Spontaneous…
BE HereNow
BE in Zen, Tantra, Tarot, New Age, Reiki, Yoga, Body-Mind Balancing….
BE with angels, crystals, pendulums, divine energy,
creative wisdom, good qi and the Omnipresent Godliness….
BE in Blissfulness, Mindfulness and Divine Celebration....
We have it All in a well-blended, Holistic and Authentic Way – simple, multidimensional and yet practical….

Just BE
With us!

SacredSpace Creation
CTG-17, Grandeur Tower,
Jalan Pandan Indah 1/16,
55100 Kuala Lumpur,
Tel: 603-9332933
For enquiries on various
Spiritual products and services

The Flowing River of Light

The Flowing River of Light and Life!

I AM Healing
Worry is gone –
I AM remembering to SMILE.

I AM Peace
Anger is gone –
I AM remembering to LAUGH.

I AM Abundance
Scarcity is gone –
I AM remembering to
Work Honestly
and BE Generous.

I AM Joy
Sorrow is gone –
I AM remembering to
Rejoice and be Thankful
for my many Blessings.

I AM Love
Fear is gone –
I AM remembering to
be Kind to my neighbor and all beings.

I AM Life
Separation is gone –
I AM remembering to be HAPPY!!!

(Remember, REMEMBER, Remember~~!!!
Remember to REMEMBER !!!)


Note: replace the word "God" with any term you think is
Universal, Loving, full of blessing Energy and miraculous Wisdom!
"Look back and thank God.
Look forward and trust God.
Look around and serve God.
Look within and find God!"
"I asked God, 'How do I get the best out of life?'
God said,
'Face your past without regrets.
Handle your present with confidence.
And prepare for the future without fear!' "
"Without God, our week is:
and Sinday.
So, allow Him to be with you every day!"
"Life is short,
so forgive quickly.
Believe slowly.
Love truly.
Laugh uncontrollably.
Never regret anything that makes you happy.
And have a wonderful journey!!!"

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Have you forgotten who you truly are?
Create space during your day to connect with your soul
You need nothing but the ability to forget all that you are
in order to be open to remember
who you really are
You will see that
without doing and simply by being
you will grow closer to knowing
and remembering all that is YOU

You will also enable
the free flow of creative energy
and the manifestation of who you are
into action

The Creatice Universe
would like to let you know
that you are
exactly who you need to be
right now
and nobody is judging you
for whoever you are
at this moment in time

Forget who you are
Discover who you are
Be who you are
Know that you and universe
simply are
Do not let others dictate
who they want you to be
give yourself the gift
of being uniquely you

Just SIT!

Sitting silently,
doing nothing...
the spring comes,
and the grass grows by itself!
<Zen Saying>

Friday, November 16, 2007

Simply Spiritual

Simply Spiritual
An evening gathering with Sherab Wong

Light-heartening, inspiring, warmth, humorous, illuminative plus lots of fun!

Where and when hearts and hearts meet, you will be overwhelmed by a strong current of collective and transformative Pure Energy!

A free chat-zone to explore almost anything under the sky – remember, there’s a Spiritual Answer to every issue in your Life, ask anything, discuss any topic, share your experiences and learn from everyone!

Hot !Topics include: Feng Shui, Angel, Reiki, Crystal Healing Tarot, Divination, Law of Attraction, Channeling, super-natural phenomena, Zen, Aromatherapy, Sacred Place Creation etc.
Please contact:
0r write to:
for more details!

Great time in the Morning...

Great time in the Morning...
There is a time in the Morning
when the soul can speak to the mind
and messages come without mourning,
wise and with comfort and kind...

Morning Meditation - Just before the coming of the pale rays of dawn, Mother Nature exists in a state of flux. Earth's energy is stable, free of the disordered vibrations that are a by-product of humanity's comings and goings. In these first moments of day, when the sun's golden light is only just peeking over the horizon, our animal mind remains in the land of slumber though we ourselves are awake. Deep sleep has washed away the impurities of existence that accumulated within us, so our mental, physical, and emotional potential is heightened. To meditate in this peaceful yet energetically charged in-between time is to connect with the divine in an extremely intimate fashion. We discover a new kinship with the universal life force during morning meditations because our awareness becomes a mirror for earthly consciousness—we wake as the world wakes, quietly embracing the joy of being and setting the tone for a serene, fulfilling day.

In the first glorious glow of morning, the light, air, and energy flowing around us speak in hushed tones of the activity to come. While we recognize that another day of being means becoming once again immersed in the challenges of action and reaction, we also understand that we can draw upon the unique energetic qualities of daybreak for comfort, creativity, and vigor. There is bliss in the simple knowledge that we have been given the gift of another day of existence. We are inspired by sights and sounds of the sun's gentle ascension. Birds serenade the luminosity, which grows richer by the minute. And though we may feel a residual lethargy, our vitality returns as our meditation helps us to become one with the stirring of other beings rubbing the sleep from their eyes. At the start of each day, our destiny has not yet been written, and so there is nothing we cannot do.

How we choose to meditate is less important than our choice to attune ourselves to the spirit of wakefulness that travels round the world each and every day. Even the briefest moment of quiet contemplation in the muted light of the sun can put all that is yet to come into perspective. As a consequence of our daybreak reflections, our lives are imbued with the same stability, tranquility, and increased awareness that humanity has long associated with the stillness of early morning.

What do you think?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007



There is an endless net of threads throughout the universe
The horizontal threads are in space
the vertical threads in time
At every crossing of threads there is an individual,
and every individual is a crystal bead
The Great Light of Absolute Being
Illuminates and penetrates every crystal bead
And also, every crystal bead reflects not only the light
from every other crystal in the net,
But also every reflection
of every reflection
throughout the universe.......


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Sherab is BACK!!!

Message from Sherab
"Work, as you don’t need Money
Love, as if nobody has hurt you
Dance, as if nobody was watching you
Sing, as if nobody was listening
Live, as if this was Paradise on Earth!"

It’s a wondrous experience to have all of you with us in our Secret Learning Circle’s One Day Workshop on the last 12th May 2007.
As I mentioned in the workshop, we teach what we need to learn and receive, and you learn what you intend to share and give.
12th May is the first anniversary of my mom’s passing away, she passed away on the same day last year, on my sister in law’s birthday and mother’s day; and again, without purposed arrangement, we had that day for the workshop and 14 people attended – and 14th January is my birthday. As I see it, this signifies a birth of blessed change, a turning point that separates us from the Power of the Now liberated from the burden and sadness of the past.
That’s not only a gift from my mom (hence the card, Hello from Heaven), but also a gift from Mother earth and Mother nature to all of us – hence the crystals.
It’s also a blessing from our Inner Goddess – to ask us to take care our Inner Child, be soft and tender, be caring and loving – hence Inner Child meditation we had.
Will share with all of you some of my synchronistic events and experiences after the workshop next time….
Please feel free to write to me or Wensy, with English or Chinese – your experiences, visions, feelings etc etc….from or for the workshops.
We would very much like to hear from you, as we are co-creating a New Reality together.
Congratulations on our Inter-Being in Just Be!

Testimonials for Sherab’s Secret Learning Circle's Wokshops
“ I am happy that I was there! Your workshop is interesting! I have gained something from it…..I think you are great! Strong intuition you have, always scare me a lot! Haha!”

"Thank you... not only for your kindness,
but for the wonderful way you have
of making it seem your pleasure..."
Bao Yen 寳燕

Testimonials for Sherab’s Angel Card Readings:
“想跟您說聲謝謝! 您昨天給了我很多啟示, 讓我想了很多. 昨日的相遇至認識, 是宇宙冥冥中的安排! 透過您與天使卡, 帶給我很多信息, 太奧妙了! 我也不知該如何表達與形容我現在的心情! 但我真的很感激您! 認識您們是我的榮幸與福氣! ! !”
潔希 Jessie

“Thank you for your caring! I will try my best !”
Siew Rong

“ 感謝您再我徬徨時的幫助, 現在的我是因禍得福, 比生病時更健康, 更精神了!”
Fong Lian

“I feel calm and happy after meeting you. I wish you are my Angel!”
Agnes from east coast

“I’ve got a job in XX Company! Thanks for everything! Thanks for everything, master Wong! thanks, thanks for everything! Thank you for being there when I was down, thanks to the Angels as well! ”