Sheer Joy Avenue: March 2008

Monday, March 31, 2008

Just DO it!!

You can break Yourself
free from
the hereditary
patterns, cultural codes,
social beliefs,
and prove once and for ALL
the Power
within YOU
is greater than
that is within
the world!

Yes,You can DO it!

You can start with nothing
and out of nothing
and out of no way
A Way will be made...

You are free, But how about TIBET?!

Beijing orchestrating Tibet riots
Just in case you wondered why
these "Tibetan monks" were so violent in Lhasa....
Let me tell you a TRUTH....
"Mediocrity always

You can do it!

You can change your Life
You can heal Your


AH, the first
step in

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Look for the Pleasure in CALM.....
Unlike muscle training,
techniques for creating
CALM work better
when there's no pain, no effort.

In fact, being CALM
is in itself
one of life's
great pleasures.

Paukl Wilson


Delegate Ruthlessly!
the more you delegate,
the more comfortable
and capable
you become
with the practice.
Then, the more
you delegate
the less
pressure you
have to
Live with!
Paul Wilson


All the Time in the World
Contraty to what you may tell yourself
You have ALL
the Time in the World
to do
You Choose
What cannot
be fitted
into your day
cannot be done
- forget about it!
Paul Wilson

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

SynchroWisdom 004

“I am Open to the Guidance of
and do not let
hinder my Path"

the Dalai Lama

SynchroWisdom 003

An Open Mind,
a sense of humor,
and, most importantly,
makes your
Life Sails

SynchroWisdom 002

You can consider an event synchronistic
when an inner experience such as a dream, vision,
or other form of deja vu, prepares you for the physical event.

Your soul is always multitasking to create new experiences for you.
If you watch how you move through life, you will understand.
Doing this allows many people to clear their issues
by writing their story as a catharsis of their experiences here.

The higher and clearer
your frequency and intent,
the faster you manifest synchronicities.

SynchroWisdom 001

Synchronicities are people, places or events that your soul
attracts into your life to help you evolve to higher consciousness
or to place emphasis on something going on in your life.
The more 'consciously aware' you become of how your soul manifests,
the higher your frequency becomes and
the faster you manifest positively.
Each day your life encounters meaningful
coincidences, synchronicities, that you have attracted,
on other words created in the grid
of your experiences in the physical.
Souls create synchronicities,
played out in the physical.
It is why you are here.
It is how our reality works.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Open Your Heart

esablishes for you
a direct
to ... Heaven
to ... the Divine.
Open Your
hear the
lute of the Angels!

Love the Greatest Power....

Through Love
Disaster becomes a Good Fortune
Through Love
a Prison becomes a Garden
"The Way
from defeat
to Victory
runs through
Things are never
as bad as
you imagine them
to be.....


"The Real Secret
of POWER is
Consciousness of POWER......"
Charles Haanel

Inside Out.....

"All Power
is from
Within and

- Robert Collier -

Take Your Time....


Divine Mind

Divine Mind
is the
Charles Fillmore

Essence of the Law of Attraction

"The essence of this law
is that you must
Think Abundance;
See Abundance;
Feel Abundance,
Believe Abundance.
Let no thought
of limitation
enter your mind."
Robert Collier

Just BE!


Law of attraction

Every moment of your life
is infinitely creative
and the Universe is
endlessly beautiful.
Just put forth a
clear enough request,
and eveything your
heart desires
must come to you.
Shakti Gawain

Monday, March 24, 2008


ou have to save yourself from so many good-intentioned people,
do-gooders, who are constantly advising you to be this, to be that.
Listen to them, thank them.
They don´t mean any harm --
but harm is what happens.
You just listen to your own heart.
That is your only teacher.
In the real journey of life,
Your own intuition is
Your only teacher.

Trust Yourself

Sunday, March 23, 2008



ALREADY There...

Before dis-eases exist
Healing ALREADY Appeared
Before Problems manifest
Solutions ALREADY made
Before a question asked
The Answers are instantly ready

For Everyhthing
the Universe gives
this very


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Golden Rules of Life

"Work, as you don’t need Money
Love, as if nobody has hurt you
Dance, as if nobody was watching you
Sing, as if nobody was listening
as if this was Paradise on Earth!"

Golden Nuggets

Realize that
what you have found
bringing you
to your goals....

"Gold becomes constantly
more and more
the blows
the jeweler inflicts on it!"

True Joy...

You will only enjoy the City
and your relations,
After enduring
all the griefs
and ordeals of exile...

~ After all you have been through,
joy and prosperity
will taste even better! ~


After Despair,
many hopes flourish.
Just as after darkness,
Thousands of Suns
open and
Start to Shine.
Your suffering
will earn
you a
Glorious Fresh

You and Your Thoughts....

Thoughts have great power.
Thoughts are like seeds you plant in your mind.
The more you hold onto a particular thought, the more power you invest in it.
Positive thoughts give us energy and strength. Negative thoughts rob us of power and make us feel tired and strained.
We are by nature positive.
Negativity is the result of faulty thinking. You can change if you want to.
You can't control other people, situation or circumstances, but you can control what is going on inside you. It takes time to change and transform those old patterns of thinking.
Be patient with yourself. It starts with a thought.....
By thinking negatively about a situation, you deplete seeking the hidden benefit behind it, with a positive outlook, you motivate and empower yourself.

Thought for the Day
Most of what you fear
does not even exist
Much of what you love
is closer than you realize!

Thought for the Moment
You can be a dynamic leader by developing the traits of self-confidence, mental-toughness, conceptual thinking, and ambition to achieve!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Plan for a

Just DO it!

However many holy words
you read
however many you speak
what good will they do you
if you do not act upon them?

words of the Buddha

Your Right to be RICH

"Your right to Life
means your right to have
the free and unrestricted use of
ALL the things which may
be necessary to your fullest
mental, spiritual, and
physical unfoldment.
In other words,
YOU have a Right
to BE RICH."

Wallace Wattles
(the Science of Getting Rich)

Tao of Peace

Peace is Harmony with Natural Laws

The Tao tells us:
"to live in harmony is to follow Tao.
to follow Tao is enlightenment.
Excessive striving
leads to exhaustion.
Competitive struggle
is contrary to Tao.
Whatever wiolates Tao
will not endure."

Tao Te Ching

Spiritual Laws of Success

What YOU See
What YOU

Monday, March 17, 2008

Attracting Abundance

Abundance Attracting Qualities/ Repelling Qualities:
1. Honoring your worth and time/ Not honoring your worth and time
2. Giving and receiving freely/ Not giving or being open to receive.
3. Opening your heart/ Closing your heart.
4. Expecting the best to happen/ Worrying that the worst will happen.
5. Coming from your heart/ Getting into power struggles.
6. Doing your best/ Cutting corners.
7. Wanting everyone to succeed, cooperating/ Competing
8. Focusing on how you can serve others/ Thinking only of what others will give you.
9. Telling yourself why you can succeed/ Telling yourself why you can't succeed.
10. Coming from your integrity/ Compromising your values and ideals.
11. Being aware and paying attention/ Operating on automatic.
12. Applauding others' success/ Feeling threatened by others' success.
13. Embracing your challenges/ Choosing safety and comfort over growth.
14. Releasing things easily/ Hanging on to things.
15. Believing it's never too late, taking action on your dreams/ Thinking it's too late, giving up.
16. Giving yourself permission to be and do what you want/ Waiting for others to give you permission
17. Believing your path is important/ Not believing in your path.
18. Doing what you love for your livelihood/ Working only for the money.
19. Detaching, surrendering to your higher good/ Feeling needy or that you must have something.
20. Giving to other's prosperity/ Giving to other's need.
21. Doing your higher purpose activities first/ Putting off higher purpose activities until you have more time.
22. Seeing yourself as the source of your abundance/ Viewing others as the source of your abundance.
23. Believing in abundance/ Believing in scarcity
24. Believing in yourself, self-confidence, self-love/ Worrying, fears, doubts, self-criticism.
25. Clear intent and directed will/ Vague or undefined goals.
26. Following your joy/ Forcing yourself, creating "have to's" and "should's"
27. Surrounding yourself with objects that reflect your aliveness/ Keeping objects that aren't tools to express your aliveness.
28. Expressing gratitude and thanks/ Feeling the world owes you.
29. Trusting in your ability to create abundance/ Worrying over finances.
30. Following your inner guidance/ Ignoring inner guidance.
31. Looking for a winning solution for everyone/ Not caring if the other person wins.
32. Becoming your own authority/ Not believing in your inner wisdom.
33. Measuring abundance as fulfilling your purpose and happiness/ Measuring abundance only by how much money you have.
34. Enjoying the process as much as the goal/ Doing things only for the goal.
35. Clear agreements/ Unspoken or vague expectations.
36. Thinking how far you have come/ Focusing on how far you have to go.
37. Speaking of abundance/ Talking about problems and lack.
38. Remembering past successes/ Remembering past failures.
39. Thinking in expanded, unlimited ways/ Thinking in limited ways.
40. Think of how you will create money/ Thinking of how you need money.
41. Focusing on what you love and want/ Focusing only on what you don't want.
42. Allowing yourself to have/ Feeling you don't deserve to have.

Sherab's Products

"Spiritual products
specially catered
for your individual needs!"

* L-rod - for energy analysis and cleansing
* Singing Bowl - for Space Cleansing and Meditation
* Divination Cards
* Auspicious Pendants (Available soon!)
* Angel's Abundant Pendants (Available soon!)

Please call 6013-9332933 for details
"Spiritual products
specially catered
for your individual needs!"

Sherab's Services

Sherab's services:

* Spiritual Consultation - soothing your body, mind and Spirit

* neoFeng Shui Consultation - auditing the energy of your house/office (with remedies and cure)

* Crystal Healing Session - utilising the miraculous power of the Crystals

* Reiki ZeNergy Consultation - REIKIng your life in every aspect!

* Angel Card Reading - complemented by other divination tools e.g. Tarot, Rune, Yijing (I Ching), Rumi Card etc - to help you in solving everyday's problems be it spiritual, financial, emotional, mental or simply making an important decisions in Life!

* Destiny Code (bazi, a branch of Chinese Metaphysics) Analysis - exploring your destiny in a most essential way!

* Date Selection - special dates for special occasions, for the most positive outcomes in any of your endeavors!

* SMARTketing Consulation - how to perform Smart Marketing for your company, in practical and yet spiritual way!

*SynchroINfinity Session - exploring your true nature, discovering your life's work/calling/missions and uncovering your innermost talent and potential!

* Sheer JOY Leadership consultation - solving your leadership crisis and fulfilling your corporate needs!

* SynchroAffinity - help you in creating partnerships with Heaven - fulfilling your Soulmate Desire in all areas of Relating and Relationships!

Call 6013-9332933 for appoinments!

Abundance Principles

Purple= the Color of your Spiritual Higher Self
Blanket= gives your 24-hour comfort and protection


Workshops and Seminars

Recent and Upcoming Events:

1. Weekly “Spiritual Translation Course (Translating Your Dreams into Reality!) – Every Friday, FGS, Petaling Jaya.
2. “Spirit and Space 2008” – a neoFeng-Shui Energy Workshop – Date and Venue to be confirmed.
3. Weekly “Simply Spiritual” Gathering, Date and venue to be confirmed.
4. “Reiki for ALL” Energy Healing Workshop, date and venue to be confirmed.
5. “Crystal Awareness Workshop”, date and venue to be confirmed.

For details, please call:
0r write to: for more!

Need me to do a neoFeng- shui audit for your home?
For neoFeng-shui style of Auditing and Consultation for both residential and commercial premises, feel free to write to me or call my marketeer anytime!


Translation Class

Lost in Translation?!
Join Sherab's Translation Course!

Contact Us at:
Fo Guang Shan Selangor
2,Jalan SS3/33, Taman University
Petaling Jaya, 47600

limited space,
Please call:
Baoling 6012-3452146
for reservation!



Harmony brings Prosperity

Peaceful Family

A Peaceful Family
a myriad of

Friday, March 14, 2008

Change Mind Change World

" If you cannot Change Your Mind
You Cannot

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Be Centred

Never explain yourself to anyone...
the person who likes you
doesn't need it

the person who dislikes you
won't believe it


Don't let someone become a
Prioroty in your Life
when you are just
an option in their life

work best
when they

Message from the Angels...

(An apparition? Andy Key's image of a 'guardian angel'
above the heads of other visitors to St Peter's Basilica.)

My Dearest Angela,
You have been very down these days....

So I am sending you here some angelic message...

We make them cry who care for us
We cry for those who never care for us
We care for those who will never cry for us

this is the truth of Life.....
it is strange

once you realize this
it is
Never too late

Be Wise

Don't make promises
when you are in Joy

Don't reply
when you are sad

Don't take decision
when you are angry

Think twice,
BE Wise!