Sheer Joy Avenue: Sherab is BACK!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Sherab is BACK!!!

Message from Sherab
"Work, as you don’t need Money
Love, as if nobody has hurt you
Dance, as if nobody was watching you
Sing, as if nobody was listening
Live, as if this was Paradise on Earth!"

It’s a wondrous experience to have all of you with us in our Secret Learning Circle’s One Day Workshop on the last 12th May 2007.
As I mentioned in the workshop, we teach what we need to learn and receive, and you learn what you intend to share and give.
12th May is the first anniversary of my mom’s passing away, she passed away on the same day last year, on my sister in law’s birthday and mother’s day; and again, without purposed arrangement, we had that day for the workshop and 14 people attended – and 14th January is my birthday. As I see it, this signifies a birth of blessed change, a turning point that separates us from the Power of the Now liberated from the burden and sadness of the past.
That’s not only a gift from my mom (hence the card, Hello from Heaven), but also a gift from Mother earth and Mother nature to all of us – hence the crystals.
It’s also a blessing from our Inner Goddess – to ask us to take care our Inner Child, be soft and tender, be caring and loving – hence Inner Child meditation we had.
Will share with all of you some of my synchronistic events and experiences after the workshop next time….
Please feel free to write to me or Wensy, with English or Chinese – your experiences, visions, feelings etc etc….from or for the workshops.
We would very much like to hear from you, as we are co-creating a New Reality together.
Congratulations on our Inter-Being in Just Be!

Testimonials for Sherab’s Secret Learning Circle's Wokshops
“ I am happy that I was there! Your workshop is interesting! I have gained something from it…..I think you are great! Strong intuition you have, always scare me a lot! Haha!”

"Thank you... not only for your kindness,
but for the wonderful way you have
of making it seem your pleasure..."
Bao Yen 寳燕

Testimonials for Sherab’s Angel Card Readings:
“想跟您說聲謝謝! 您昨天給了我很多啟示, 讓我想了很多. 昨日的相遇至認識, 是宇宙冥冥中的安排! 透過您與天使卡, 帶給我很多信息, 太奧妙了! 我也不知該如何表達與形容我現在的心情! 但我真的很感激您! 認識您們是我的榮幸與福氣! ! !”
潔希 Jessie

“Thank you for your caring! I will try my best !”
Siew Rong

“ 感謝您再我徬徨時的幫助, 現在的我是因禍得福, 比生病時更健康, 更精神了!”
Fong Lian

“I feel calm and happy after meeting you. I wish you are my Angel!”
Agnes from east coast

“I’ve got a job in XX Company! Thanks for everything! Thanks for everything, master Wong! thanks, thanks for everything! Thank you for being there when I was down, thanks to the Angels as well! ”

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